Defensive Driving

Defensive Driving is an interactive, eight-hour course that is delivered 100% online and synchronously. The course is accessible to all persons who currently possess a Provisional Driver’s License.
Hailing from the forestrial community of Millet, Lennora Agdomar finds joy in both reading and writing poetry. Initiating an incredible writing journey during secondary school, she is currently a second-year student pursuing the Pre-College/CAPE Programme with a focus on Biology, Chemistry, and French. She is an active member of the SALCC Circle K and the Environmental Club.
Lennora sees the WORRRD Up Poetry Competition as a platform to showcase her work and witness its radiance through the eyes of her audience. This is her second time participating.
The corruption at the heart of saint lucia's Finest justice warriors
I guess money feeds better than justice
Their pockets heavy and the minds of broken hearted
mothers at everything but ease
A countries independence so meaningless
If we're solely dependent on crime
How are we thriving off blood shed
The word Saint Lucians now sounds like hungry vampires
Because what exactly are we doing with this blood
These fine streams of water
I'm assuming unless the blood hasn't began its consuming
The rivers replaced by tears of an aching nation
If I didn't know better I would say the tears eroded the minds of our youth
I guess we were so impacted by living on an island that the natural disasters began
Inside of us
How dare me sit on your bedside my dear Iyanola with tears in my eyes
If only tears could fill a wound
Young people aren't the only ones leaking
Mothers aren't the only ones weeping
The aged aren't the only ones dying
Iyanola is screaming
Don't you hear her
I know the deaf cant hear
But you don't have to hear blood to feel it
You know you hurt her
I know you don't but pretentious guilt sounds good
The care in this nation so ephemeral
The scars felt as deep as in these potholes
The brokenness so far from a road but a path of a forested dot
Living on an island that taught guns to sing
Now every song is about guns
Had me singing pain
I say this without full stops because only a fool could stop
Words of progress
Progress that causes crime to no longer be the dime that shines within
Your sweet skin Iyanola
Everybody scared of diseases but what about crime
It plagues our hearts minds and souls with fear yet still
Yet still that ginger needed to fight it just seems to be playing with itself
Only if I could be positive about it I would say these scars that she bleeds
From will be healed by she I mean by we I mean by her I mean our dear Iyanola
Our dear mother the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Seas bestfriend Martinique’s sister
She just needs to be loved by her family I hope we’re the ones to show her
I wish the only thing that cracked her were these terrifying earthquakes
But your own people can ruin you
It's just sad how it had to happen
She took these 14 battles like a champ
We don't need the 15th one to be us
The one that kills her
You know what kills me
I have about three minutes to talk about something going on for way more than 3 years
I wish you were not so determined on giving me these unhealthy stares because Iyanola
Sits in these chairs